Getting your Capsule Wardrobe ready for the New Year

Getting your Capsule Wardrobe ready for 2018

We're already two weeks into the new year and almost a month into winter on January 21st.  I'm really excited for everything that's in store for this year, but more than anything, I'm excited to challenge myself every season building these crazy capsule wardrobes.  I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to organizing, so organizing my wardrobe isn't any different.  

I've always considered the beginning of the year in September when school starts rather than the new year, so I actually do a lot of my organizing in the fall.  However, I like to organize in the new year too, and since we're talking about capsule wardrobes, I thought it would be a good time break down the process for those of you who are making the leap, or have already made the leap.  You're also welcome to see what I'm wearing for my 2018 winter capsule wardrobe

Do Your Research

The best place to do your research is honestly on Pinterest.  You'll be able to save all your favorite items and looks that you like.  While you're pinning, you'll probably be daydreaming about how you would look in a certain outfit, or what it would be like to have a certain handbag or shoes.  You can steal ideas from what you find on Pinterest to find pieces that you really love.  Last, you'll want to ask yourself what kind of style do you have?  Do you have tomboy style?  Or is it classic, indie, or boho?  Not everyone likes the same style, which is why we should find our own pieces for our personality, which helps us claim our own.

Clearing out Your Closet

Get rid of all those clothes that are taking up room in your closet.  I've been guilty of this too and I've had a capsule wardrobe for almost two years now.  So think about all those weird or funky pieces that you bought on a whim, or maybe something that has lost its shape because it wasn't the best of quality.  When you think of all the reasons to keep these unworn items, more than likely the only excuse you have for not wearing them is that you're feeling guilty that you spent money on something that's going to waste.  I get it, but if it's not going to be worn by you, get rid of it so someone else who really likes it can give it a go.

Get those Core Pieces for the Year

Your core or neutral items are pieces that can be worn most of the year.  They're usually shades of white, black, gray, nude or denim.  You can wear them with all of your other pieces such as scarves, cardigans, under your sweaters, under puffer vests, etc.  It's basically the base of your outfit and not considered statement pieces by any means.

Getting your Capsule Wardrobe ready for 2018

Gather your Seasonal Items

Once you have your core pieces, you can now gather all your seasonal items that you have in your closet.  Everything else that's not in season, can be stored away.  Do you have an gaps in your closet?  Now it's time to make a list of pieces that you would love, and then add those pieces to your wardrobe!

Consider Using a Seasonal Color Palette

Before having a capsule wardrobe, I never really had a color palette.  To be honest, it's something that I still struggle with even today.  I've always loved wearing black because I think it looks quite chic and modern.  However, I've seen some brilliant seasonal color palettes in the past year, and I'm really into it now!  If you like a lot of color, you can add a few main colors and accent colors to your neutral pieces.  If you're still not sold, as I once was, you can slowly add a few accent colors to your wardrobe to see how you like it.  


Having a capsule wardrobe takes a little bit of work and a little bit of planning, but in the end, you'll always look put together and you'll never really need to go on a massive shopping spree once you get it down.  

So do you already have a capsule wardrobe, or is it something you've been considering but haven't quite made the leap?  Leave your questions and comments below.


If you don't have a capsule wardrobe but you've been wanting to give it a try, here is a downloadable guide to help you get started with the basics.  I think it's the best way to help you create your own personal style.  It's just the beginning, but it will help you break down the process!  Good luck!





Capsule WardrobeShelbi